Metrocrawl 2024

Did you miss out on the chance of cruising around the subway tunnels last fall? 🚇

METROCRAWL is back on its traditional spot in March! On the 14th of March, Athene & AMS & Media are once again inviting students from different fields to go around bars along the subway lines.

The participants are divided into teams consisting students from different organizations. No need to worry, you can always leave a friend request in the sign-up, if you prefer. However, it has also been made very easy to meet new people thanks to the team division, so we encourage you to sign-up alone as well!

The teams complete various challenges as they tour around the bars and update their fun on the team’s own Telegram channel. The best team will be awarded, so pull on your overalls and let the underground tunnels take you away! 🏃🏼‍♂️

❗️Tickets are now on sale❗️


WHERE: Start at Narinkkatori

START: Thu 14.3. gradually between 17-17:30

HOW MUCH: 4€ (including a badge and the afterparty that will be held in downtown Helsinki) + an HSL AB-ticket that each participant is responsible to purchase

DRESS CODE: Overalls

WHY: Because one metrocrawl a year isn’t enough!

Link to ticket sale:


MARK IX - Paris de nuit