Spring meeting 2021


Dear AMS members,
it’s yet again time for our annual Spring Meeting! The meeting will be held online. You are more than welcome to join and come hear about what has AMS been up to!

During this meeting, we will go through the agenda which is presented below. The meeting will be held on Tuesday 16.3. at 18:30 on Zoom.

Link to the meeting: Link to the meeting will be published to the Facebook event during the day of the event.

WHEN: 16.3.2021 at 18:30
WHERE: Online (Zoom)
FOR WHO: To all the AMS members!

Aalto Marketing Society ry – Spring meeting agenda:
1. Kokouksen avaaminen / Opening the meeting
2. Kokouksen järjestäytyminen / Calling the meeting to order
3. Laillisuuden ja päätösvaltaisuuden toteaminen / Stating the legality and quorum
4. Esityslistan hyväksyminen / Approving the agenda
5. Vuoden 2020 toimintakertomuksen, tilinpäätöksen ja toiminnantarkastuskertomuksen esittely /
Presenting the 2020 report of activities, financial statement and performance audit report
6. Toimintakertomuksen ja tilinpäätöksen hyväksyminen / Approving the report of activities and financial statement
7. Vastuuvapauden myöntäminen vuoden 2020 hallitukselle / Exemption of liability for the board of 2020
8. Kannatusjäsenhinnan asettaminen / Setting the support member price
9. Muut esille tulevat asiat / Other issues
10. Kokouksen päättäminen / Ending the meeting


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